Thursday, April 2, 2009

Journal 6

Warlick, D (2009, March ). Growing Your Personal Learning Network. Learning and Leading with Technology, Vol. 37, Retrieved April 2, 2009, from

This article was about PLN's or personal learning networks. Personal learning networks are tools like Twitter, wiki's, iChat, Second Life, Skype, basically web-based applications that allow you to communicate and share information with others. The author discusses the advantages of using these tools and breaks them into separate categories. The first category is personally maintained synchronous connections, traditional networks that include people and allow you to consult with others to solve problems and answer questions (ie iChat, Skype, uStream). Personally and socially maintained semisynchronous connections are conversations that are not exactly real-time, but pretty close (ie GoogleDocs, Twitter). The third category is dynamically maintained asynchronous connections; while the other two connect you to people, this connects you to information (ie RSS feed).

How would RSS feed be useful in a classroom?
RSS feed can allow a teacher to stay connected to current information on a particular topic by having a feed set up to blogs, podcasts, news searches and articles, that cover that topic. Each student could be assigned a different source to find information related to the topic, and then report back to the class.

RSS feeds can be very active, what is a good way to not overwhelm yourself with information?
You can limit the amount of information you get by not subscribing to too many blogs,organizing subscriptions by topic, scanning feeds for pertinent info, and turn your PLN off every once in a while.

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