Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Journal 10-Online Classes

Bethel, Brian "Learning Outside the Classroom". (2009, 4,14). Reporter News, p. EDU.

"Learning Outside the Classroom" is an article about how enrollment is up for online classes at community colleges. Many schools are finding that the demand for on-line classes exceeds the amount of classes, and they are scrambling to add more. Between the academic year of 2006-2007, the Instructional Technology Council tracked and 1.6 percent bump in students taking distance-education courses, and those numbers continue to grow. Many students who live on-campus take on-line courses, as well as those who leave far away from the school and find it difficult to get there. The convenience of on-line education appeals to many people, and students are increasingly going back to school because they can now take courses that better fit their schedules. At some colleges it is possible to complete almost all of ones undergraduate work simply taking online courses. Although advertising for many of these classes has been minimal, schools are not having trouble filling the open positions in both core courses, like English and math, to specialized classes such as criminal justice.

What are some of the benefits of on-line college courses?
On-line college courses are great because they encourage people who may otherwise not have time to supplement their education. Many colleges offer night courses, but with jobs and families it is difficult for many people to get away to school. With on-line classes, all an individual needs is a computer and internet access, and they can complete their course work on their own schedule, and at a pace that is most comfortable for them.. This is especially beneficial in difficult economic times, when people often want to go back to school to create more job opportunities for themselves.

What are some of the draw-backs?
No matter how well an on-line course is written, there is no substitute for one-on-one interaction with a teacher. Questions will always come up, and a teacher trained in the subject is the best for providing explanations. Also, a computer program cannot express passion for a subject. There are no doubt many students who take on-line courses to complete the bare minimum and who will not pick up much from the course because of a lack of enthusiasm.

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