Friday, March 6, 2009

Jounal 5: Collaboration in a Web 2.0 Environment

Bull, G. (2006, April). Collaboration in a Web 2.0 Environment. Learning and Leading with Technology, 33, Retrieved March 6, 2009, from

This article is about RSS feeds and how they can be incorporated in the classroom. The author explains that RSS (really simple syndication) allows people to follow topics and blogs that are of interest to them. Almost all newspapers offer them, and they are on iTunes and blogs and are a way to track topics and stay current with friends and news you are interested in. Examples are provided about how RSS can be incorporated in the classroom, such as having each student create a blog and work with other students and submit assignments through their blog. The advantages of social bookmarking are also discussed, as it web-based word processing. Because the article is approximately 3 years old a lot has changed since it was written, mainly these tools have become increasingly popular and more prevalent in the classroom.

Q). How will I incorporate web-based word processing in my class?
A). I will definitely have my students use Google Docs to complete some of their assignments. Most essays and papers are created on word processors to begin with, so having students email assignments to each other and edit through the use of Good Docs is a great way for them to assist each other while encouraging the use of technology and word processing tools in the class.
Q). How could RSS benefit a Literature class?
A). Having students create Delicious accounts and share helpful literature websites is a great way to incorporate RSS in my classes. Each student could be assigned to find 3 helpful sites on an author or historical period, and then when writing a paper students would have to use and cite sources found by their classmates. This encourages collaboration and judging the authenticity of a website and it’s subject matter.

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